Siddha comes from the root ‘Chit’ or Consciousness.
The medical system of Siddha healing is a tradition that is even older than Ayurveda and is dated back as far as ca. 10.000 years. It originated in South India. The Siddhas perceived all knowledge of existence through their yogic visions and through their lineages it was passed initially only orally, whilst later it was written by their disciples on palm scripts.
From the book: Siddhas, Masters of the Basics by Siddha healer Pal Pandian: “… Varma is an ancient Siddha Science describing a number of spots, points or locations all over the human body that hold vital importance in the wholistic functioning of this living organism. They can also be described as the connecting junctions between the physical body and the pranic body (subtle body). They are psychophysical and not gross in nature like body organs…..”
Siddha Varmam Treatments are all about assisting the restoring of ones
own divine inner healing intelligence to allow the vital life force to flow unhindered. Any blockage or obstruction of the flow of vital airs decreases the optimal functioning of the human organism and may result in disease.
I got instructed and to offer Siddha Varmam Therapy by my teacher Siddha healer Pal Pandian from Tamil Nadu, South India. The tradition comes from the Agaguru lineage.
In case you are interested in learning more about this healing science
please contact